Add a Record
Records are used for reporting serious concerns or disclosure with other members of staff, and when appropriate learners. The templates are often longer and may have many questions, this is to help you provide all the relevant information. The record templates you see will depend on your institution.
Add a record as follows:
Add a record and search for learners
On the Safeguarding Tutor page select Add Record as shown in the image below.
Select the required Record Form and Category. For example, the record form ALS Referrals and Category of Exams. Note that the category is used for monitoring purposes at the institution and is not shown to the learner.
Select Search Learner to find the learners of interest. You can search for learners using the following fields:
Learner Name: There are separate boxes for first and surname. You do not need to fill in both.
Learner preferred name: This is the students recorded preferred name, if they have one.
Learner person code: This is the learner code as listed on the learner's detail page.
Current academic year only: This toggle is on by default. Turning it off allows you to search all learner records.
Course Code: The code for the course the learner is enrolled on.
Tutor Group: A dropdown list of tutor groups.
You can also choose to include Withdrawn, Transferred, and Non-starter learners by selecting one or more of the toggles on the learner search. If you are searching for learners using a Course Code, the Withdrawn, Transferred, and Non-starter toggles apply only to learners on that course.
The image below shows a search for learners on a design course in a specific tutor group, that also includes withdrawn, transferred, and non-starter learners.
Then, select Show learners to show the search results. You can further filter the results on the search results page by the learners name and the name of the course, as shown in the image below.
Select the checkbox next to the learners you want to add to the record. Note the following when selecting learners:
If you have included a Course Code in the search, applicants for the specified course are included in the search results. You can exclude applicants by selecting the Hide learners who only have applications toggle. This ensures only enrolled learners are included in subsequent actions.
Learners whose enrolment status matches one of the selected toggles, that is Withdrawn, Transferred, and Non-starter, are shown with an asterisk if they do not have active or finished enrolments. If you select a learner with these statuses, an indicator is also shown on the Learners section.
The image below shows a selection of learners, some of whom have an asterisk to indicate that they are withdrawn, transferred or non-starter learners without an active or finished enrolment.
Select whether to Allow learners to view and Allow learners to reply. Optionally, if you have selected multiple learners you can Create a joint record.
After selecting the required learners and options, select Update.
Record against a course and staff notifications
The options shown in the Record against a course and Staff notification sections depend on how the template has been set up.
Note the following when recording against a course:
Some options may be selected by default for the selected template.
If a specific course is selected, notifications will only be sent to staff on that course, matching the selected record against a course options and the enrolment status toggles selected in the original learner search.
If the withdrawn, transfer and non-starter toggles have been used to search for learners, without selecting a specific course, the safeguarding record will be sent to staff for both active and finished enrolments. Also, staff linked to withdrawn, transferred or non-starter enrolments for the selected learners will receive the safeguarding record, depending on the options chosen.
Record against a course and select the staff notification options as follows:
Go to Record against a course and select the required options as follows:
Send to UIO teachers : send a notification to any staff linked to the learner's curriculum.
Send to Enrol. supervisor: send a notification to any tutors linked to the learner's enrolment as a supervisor, this could be a personal tutor or assessor.
Send to register staff: send a notification to any tutors with safeguarding permissions who have registers with the learner.
Send to department heads: send a notification to the heads of the departments the learner is a member of.
Send to staff for common courses only: This drop down contains the list of courses that all selected learners share. If a course is selected from this list then only the register staff from that course are notified.
Send to Linked Staff: If this option is shown it allows you to send a notification to staff with specific connections to the learner.
Is this about a specific course?: If you have selected learners from a search that includes a Course Code, Safeguarding automatically populates the field.
You can also View learner staff to see the staff members who will receive notifications.
Go to Staff notifications and select the required options as follows:
Mark as urgent: marks the safeguarding record notification as urgent.
Send to distribution list: select the distribution list containing the relevant staff members for the safeguarding record.
Send to staff members: select specific staff members for the safeguarding record.
Copy to distribution list: select the distribution list containing the relevant staff members for the safeguarding record.
Copy to staff members: select specific staff members for the safeguarding record.
After selecting the relevant options, you can also View distribution list staff to display a list of staff contained in any selected distribution lists.
The final section of the form is the template that will be sent out. In most cases there will be some instructional text and spaces for you to add information.
Once the form is complete, select Submit Record to send the record, or Save as draft to finish later.